The famed knives of Finland. Some of these are inspired by the overall design elements and intended use. A simple, utilitarian and timeless design. Puukkos are small knives, with blades no wider than the palm of a hand, the larger leuko was created as a bushcraft type knife.

80crv2 blade with vine filework. Grip is spalted birch with brass plates and horn

1095 blade, with spalted birch handle, brass and ebony bolster. OAL: 7.5" Blade: 3.5".

Low layer pattern weld, grip is tasmanian blackwood, with walrus ivory and brass. OAL 8" Blade: 4.25"

5160 blade, with bronze guard, walrus ivory and african blackwood handle

Pattern welded blade, with honduran rosewood handle and bronze plate

1095 blade, sterling silver bolster, cottonwood burl grip

80crv2 blade with vine filework, virus oak handle with ebony and brass

small birka inspired knife with modern twists.

Puukko, patternwelded core with stainless cladding (san mai), sterling silver bolster, spacer and buttplate with 5000 year old bog oak

Puukko, 80crv2 blade, brass bolster and butt palte, horn spacer and spalted hackberry handle