All regions and types of blades here. My first love is creating blades from the medieval and renaissance eras.

1490 Italian rondel. Hollow ground blade, maple burl grip. Based off my study of the original in Rothenburg

Martyr Chopper, based off medieval paintings and some musuem pieces. Clayed 80crv2 blade with vine file worked spine, engraved vine motif with 24 karat gold plating, bronze plate, honduran rosewood grip and heat blued forged guard

Swiss baselard. Spalted oak handle with brass plates. 13.25" oal 8.75" blade

Bollock dagger, copy of an original in the netherlands army museum. Brass guard, maple burl grip with a star burst peen block

Purple Pattern welded dagger

Brass Hilted Rondel

1490 Italian rondel dagger. 5160 blade, brass and walnut burl grip. Based on an original

Sea Dagger


Ebony Rondel

Bollock Dagger

Knight's Dagger

Knights Dagger

Bronze hilted rondel
Landsknecht Dagger