Samples of past projects. For custom work inquires, please contact. If I have a piece in stock it'll be listed in "Available".

46 inch long sword with 35.25" blade. Pommel is hollow ground and filed. Fittings are mild steel heat blued than chemical blue topper that I brushed back to a dull grey with the heat blue shimmering through. Handle is Wenge wood, with inlaid twisted copper wire, bordered with tooled and dyed leather sealed with boiled linseed oil. Peen block is brass. Blade is 6150. Weight is 3lbs 12 ounces with a POB of 3.5 inches.

The Guardsman, handle is padouk wood, guard and pommel of mild steel, triple fullered 5160 blade

"Turns of Fate". Two handed elven saber. 5160 blade, engraved with vines and sindarin script reading "These twists and turns of fate". 30 inches of vine file work around the tang and onto the spine, wenge handle with carved vine work, bronze pommel, pinned with custom star pins out of brass. The partner to the "Little Wonders"

Swiss longsword. Handle is holly and brass. Pommel is hollow ground facets and file worked guard.

XVIII longsword

Longsword, holly handle with file work and 24 karat gold plating

Two handed tactical Gladius, engraved blade, bronze guard and pommel engraved, vine file work around the handle, box elder and oak burl handle.

Longsword, 5160 with hollow ground pommel, wenge handle and brass.

Type XIIa. 5160 blade, forged rain guard has filework, as does the hollow pommel. Fire blued hilt furniture, 24 karat gold plating all over including the big band on the side of the pommel. 46" oal, 34.25" blade with a pob of 3.5".

Type XVIIIc, 35.5" blade (3"wide) in 5160, oal is 45". Guard and pommel are 1018 which has been fire blued, pommel as decorative filework and a brass peen block.

Tennessee Titan's Official 12th Titan Sword (NFL)

Pommel of the Titan's Sword

FC Cincinnati’s Official Team Sword (MLS)

The Cimmerian, a fantasy barbarian sword. 5160 fullered blade with engravings, cast bronze guard and pommel, with a grip covered in salmon leather and waxed cording